AD PC 01 rev 05
Date: 05/11/2022

Providing the best and safest technical solutions in cargo transportation engineering, Makro Engenharia establishes an Integrated Management Policy that is committed to:

  • Continuous improvement of processes and customer satisfaction.

  • Improvement of the workplace and organizational environment by valuing, developing and improving the skills of its employees.

  • Social-Environmental Responsibility interacting with the community, as well as acting in the prevention of pollution, mainly related to atmospheric emissions by black smoke and soil contamination by oil leakage.

  • Elimination of hazards and risk reduction to prevent occupational injuries and disease, especially in cargo handling operations, working at high elevations, fleet maintenance and equipment throughput.

  • Safe and healthy working conditions is an instrumental pillar in the company, which cannot be sacrificed due to other factors.

  • Consultation and participation of workers and their representatives.

    Compliance with legal, contractual and other requirements.

  • Guarantee results for shareholders.

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